etcicon.gif (806 bytes)  Ensemble Theatre  Community School

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Information Packet
Travel Plans
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"This program has given me a chance not only to be involved in wonderful theatre but also to find things out about myself I never realized were in me before.  I have more confidence and faith in myself because everyone has been supportive of me."--Danielle

Each student is cast in one show for the summer. We choose plays which work best for an acting ensemble rather than scripts which feature only one or two leading roles.

Some past productions have included The Fantasticks, Our Town, Antigone, As You Like It, The Crucible, To Kill a Mockingbird, Hay Fever, Great Expectations, Under Milkwood, The Dining Room, The Caucasian Chalk Circle, Peter Pan, Pericles, Blood Wedding .  Often scripts are created by a playwright to meet ETC's specific requirements.


List of past productions.


"I learned so much about technical theatre!  I never even thought I could hold a Makita--let alone work with it.  I put up railings, made platforms, painted everything.  I also learned that so much hard work goes into a show and that if everyone works together, the show is so much better!"  --Jenna

What I loved about our children’s show Over the Rainbow was that it was all our creation and we made it in a week and a half.  Also, every single person was involved.  I loved touring the show to Camp Dost (a camp for children fighting cancer) because I felt we really gave those children something special.  --Katie